lmao - compared to what I've already overcome within a week of trying to fully migrate to linux I am only a micron away from finished, but of course that last one appears impossible, namely: getting ANY C# editor working with omnisharp

from officially advertised integrations on omnisharp.net:

#1 ATOM - looked the easiest, but has bit the dust 3 years ago, the package manager is a ghost town
#2 Brackets - a web dev editor ...?
#3 command line / Vim, no thanks
#4 Emacs - didn't work
#5 Sublime Text - didn't work
#6 vscode - didn't work

and not listed, but tried:
vscodium - didn't work
neovim (oof) - didn't work

Looks like I'll have to give JetBrains/VisualStudio/Brackets a go as well even though I really don't want to.

Sublime honestly felt marvelous.

@YinYinFalcon I'm using Rider for C# stuff and I'm mostly happy with it, but I also don't know what omnisharp does so I can't really compare it.

@accidentlyAnton it basically turns light weight text editors into beasts that can almost rival a full IDE like VS/Rider

error checking, intellisense, finding all references, renaming symbols across the entire project, etc

I'm surprised you are using Rider with your few project files leaning :D

anyway, it looks like I gotta learn a bit more about sandboxing in linux - that seems to be my barrier in all cases


@YinYinFalcon @accidentlyAnton Ohohoh yeah, getting flashbacks from omnisharp...
I also tried my hand at having it work while searching for a replacement of my old obsolete and deprecated setup (monodevelop in a VM with symlinks everywhere to make it seamless).
Like you, I didn't manage to make it work properly with any editor.
In the end i settled with Rider, first with the rolling beta, then a "permanent" trial version, and they now released Rider for free as community edition so I'm on that.

@glomzubuk @accidentlyAnton

I managed it today! Non sandboxed vscode with snap dotnet sdk 6.0 after doing a deep clean of anything on the system containing the string dotnet

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