Excellent video on Algorithmic Complacency
@farawaythyer felt the urge to tag you, because of your spotify rant recently
@accidentlyAnton literally just watched it was loading up my feeds to boost it xD
@accidentlyAnton it popped up in my SUBSCRIPTION FEED
@farawaythyer @accidentlyAnton SERIOUSLY, subscriptions is my home/start/main/first/whatever youtube page
and the actual "home" is just "YoUr WaTcH HiStOrY iS oFf" - I KNOW
how anyone can have it any different is beyond me
@YinYinFalcon @farawaythyer @accidentlyAnton Also if you need it, hiding the shorts in the sub page is as easy as this in your favorite userstyle manager (i use stylus)
@glomzubuk I sniped it with ublock - no idea what my actual filter looks like