Excellent video on Algorithmic Complacency
@farawaythyer felt the urge to tag you, because of your spotify rant recently
@accidentlyAnton literally just watched it was loading up my feeds to boost it xD
@accidentlyAnton it popped up in my SUBSCRIPTION FEED
@YinYinFalcon @farawaythyer @accidentlyAnton I concur, and the 3% of his viewer coming in from there is astonishing to me. It's likely his audience also contains more than the average of people using subscription page as well.
Now it makes much more sense why many youtubers remind/beg to enable notifications for their channels.
@glomzubuk I sniped it with ublock - no idea what my actual filter looks like
@glomzubuk @farawaythyer @accidentlyAnton
I wonder if this is also where the complaints of new sub videos not showing up have come from, because that's never ever happened to me.
@YinYinFalcon @farawaythyer @accidentlyAnton Also if you need it, hiding the shorts in the sub page is as easy as this in your favorite userstyle manager (i use stylus)